
Moving 700 people between plants with Care

Read how LEONI in Tunisia leveraged their exceptional Care Culture to move more than 700 Employees from one plant to another.

"If there is trust, nothing is impossible."


One story that, in my opinion, perfectly describes the level of trust we have built here in Tunisia is the time when we managed to move more than 700 employees from our plant in Manzel Hayet to our facilities in Sousse and Mateur – which is more than 250km in distance.

In 2022, we faced a significant drop in production volume in Manzel Hayet – and at the same time demand in our plants in Mateur and Sousse was spiking.

For us as a management team, it was out of the question to let anybody go, but instead we devised a plan to temporarily move personnel to the plants in need. This way, not only would everybody be able to keep their jobs, we’d also help out our friends in the other plants who were in desperate need for expert personnel.

Obviously, as good as the idea was, the task only seemed easy on paper. In reality, it was people’s livelihoods and their whole life ecosystems that we were talking about. So our first task was to secure the assurance of our management, that all positions would be secured and that every employee who was willing to make the temporary move would be able to come back home as soon as demand would come back.

Then we relied on what we’re really good at here in Tunisia and what makes our company amazing in my point of view: Transparent communication and an exceptional level of care for each individual.

All departments worked hard at making the transition smooth for every single LEONIAN who agreed to move – we even helped with securing housing for more than 100 people.

Of course we benefitted greatly from the level of trust that was already established between management and our workforce – but I believe that it is the care that we showed everyone that ultimately made the difference. I personally have never seen any company do something like this – and it is one of the reasons why I am proud to be a LEONIAN.